Ascendia Health is the one-stop-shop for cardiology equipment and supplies. We offer a comprehensive selection of medical supplies online and specialize in products related to cardiology testing including stress testing, routine EKG, echo/ultrasound, blood pressure monitoring, vital sign monitoring, and more. We carry a wide variety of chart paper/EKG mounts, electrodes, cables, leadwires, littmann stethoscopes, pulse oximeters, nitrile gloves, latex gloves, blood pressure cuffs, ECG machines, and other cardiology equipment and supplies for hospitals, medical offices, independent providers, and more.
Cardiology Equipment
Echocardiography provides medical professionals new tools for detecting and diagnosing heart conditions in patients. It offers clear, detailed, and remarkably life-like images. Newer echo-cardiographic machines are able to provide:
- Multi-Dimensional and 3D and 4D Imaging
- B, C, and CFM Mode
- Power Doppler
- Technologically advanced interface
- Tissue Synchronization Imaging
- Blood Flow Imaging
- Automated Function Imaging
Echo Machines
The unit demonstrates the latest advances in defibrillation technology and is designed to accommodate the needs of both basic and advanced life support personnel.
Simple 1-2-3 operation, audible and visual prompts and a large high resolution, diagnostic quality display makes this unit easy-to-use.The AED 20 can be upgraded to include ECG Monitoring using traditional snap-based electrodes and manual defibrillator capabilities.
Three devices in one compact package.
The unique, simple-to-operate AED 20 provides basic AED function with optional “Lead II” monitoring using traditional snap-based electrodes. Optional manual defibrillation (2-360 joules) is also available in this compact device.
Defibrillators (AED)
All units must be 12 lead full page interpretive EKGs that are computerized medical records compatible.

Basic outpatient AEDs
Hospital grade AEDs
PC Based Exercise Stress System
Basic outpatient AEDs
Hospital grade AEDs
The HeartStart MRx Defibrillator/Monitor unites Philips' industry-leading monitoring technologies with superior diagnostic measurements and a patented SMART Biphasic resuscitation waveform in a single, thoughtfully designed, lightweight devices.
The HeartStart MRx Defibrillator/Monitor provides several best-in-class advantages important to EMS care providers. The longest battery-powered operating time, the largest color display, and fastest time to shock of any monitor/defibrillator
1 310-675-5551

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